Our Adventures on Wings

Our Adventures on Wings

Saturday, March 3, 2012


February was a very quiet month for the fids, lots of indoor time as it was too wet and rainy or cold to go outside much.
Both Hemi and Bailey have settled into our room quite nicely, I actually think they prefer the quiet, calm atmosphere they get versus the ever busy, active, noise filled one they get in the hub of our home.
Of course the girls come into the room every now and then to pay the "big" birds a visit.....Chloe esp would love to get her hands on Hemi!
Hemi thinks not such a good idea.
We can hardly wait for the weather to change so we can spend some time outdoors! All the fids love hanging out in the backyard.

I tried to make Hemi's food dish a lil bit of a challenge.....I covered the dish with newspaper for Hemi to shred while foraging for food. It took all of 30 seconds for Hemi to figure it out! She bit the rubber band and off came the paper....will have to check into some different foraging techniques.
Bailey, is enjoying her biscuit....she loves to dunk her biscuits into her water dish....her feathers in front are coming in nicely too. Bailey tends to be a plucker, hopefully this time will be the last!

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